
Are Jamaicans the only one who use their teeth?

 Our teeth are vital parts of our bodies that help with speech. They help us chew and provides that special accent for our smile. However, some people use their teeth for unconventional purposes; sometimes resulting in damage to their teeth and gums. Here are some of the unconventional ways I have seen Jamaicans use their teeth, but are we the only ones?

1. Opening bottles: Forgetting where the bottle opener is, or simple not knowing where one can be reached facilitates the temptation to use your teeth to open bottles.  They provide just the right amount or grit and hardness, but sometimes opening a bottle with your teeth can lead to chips, cracks, or fractures in your teeth that can be painful and expensive to fix.

2. Cutting objects: As a child I did not carry a knife around, so the thing that I used to cut my string, tape, cloth, paper or even open my bag juice was my teeth. Using our teeth to cut such objects is another unconventional habit that can lead to tooth damage. Your teeth are not designed to withstand the pressure of cutting, and it can result in chips, cracks, or even breakage in extreme cases. I can't tell you how many times I have cut my gum as a result of trying to tear some object with my teeth. Sometimes I end up with busted lips.

3. Chewing ice: Although chewing ice on a hot day is a classic habit of Jamaicans, sometimes this seemingly harmless act can be harmful. Here is the thing, it can cause microscopic fractures in your teeth that can lead to major dental issues like tooth decay or sensitivity. Additionally, chewing hard objects like ice can cause damage to the enamel, making the teeth more susceptible to cavities. 

Tell me if this has ever happened to you. You're chewing a piece of ice and somehow your jaws slips and you either bite your jaw or bite down so hard your teeth smash together. I have a chip on my front tooth that I believe is the direct result of chewing ice during a jaw slip. 

4. Popping pills:  The same harm can be caused by using your teeth to  crack or crush pills. While all medication comes with an instruction to swallow, some people insist on using their teeth to break down the pills to make them easier to swallow. However, this habit can damage your teeth and gums and make them more susceptible to bacterial infections.

5. Nail-biting: Nail-biting is a common habit that some people can't break, but it can cause significant damage to your teeth and gums over time. It can lead to chipped, jagged teeth, and cause the enamel to erode, leading to tooth decay or infections.

It is crucial to point out that the damage caused by these unconventional habits is not necessarily immediate, so it is easy to underestimate the effects. If something isn't meant to be chewed or bit into, then it's best to avoid using your teeth altogether.

Preventing damage to your teeth from unconventional habits requires a conscious effort to break the habit. If you find yourself consistently using your teeth in ways that put them at risk, consider breaking the habit by reminding yourself to take small steps towards quitting. You can also find support through family, friends, or even therapy if it is a severe addiction.

Using your teeth for unconventional purposes can be tempting, but it can cause irreversible damage. By taking small steps towards breaking these habits, it’s possible to protect your teeth from damage and keep your smile bright and healthy for years to come.

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