
Riddle of the day 05/19

Riddles are a good way to interact with the audience. It is one of the ways that teachers ensure that students are learning.

Consequently, I have started something new on this blog of including riddles in my posts. I hope you enjoy them.

Although there was one answer I was thinking of when the question was coined, this does not mean that this is the only answer.

Leave your answers in the comments section below.

Here is the riddle.

"What makes no noise when it is healthy and strong, but makes noise when it is nearing death?"

Here is a poem that gives a hint.

Fine-tuned and sleek, I sometimes sit on your shelf,

I'm Ready to act if harm can come to yourself.

Really Important  that my warnings are heeded, 

Even though you won't think all my warnings are needed

Always trying to keep you safe from any harm.

Lighting up silence, and sounding the alarm

Alerts you that I'm working through the night.

Rightfully flickering my little warning light 

My sensors avert disasters and subsequent death,

Since my batteries are charged and my timer is set.

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