
The Jamaican Market Place


You know in Jamaica it is common place to find these things sprawled out in front of almost every vendor.

Not so in the states. In the places that are referred to as market places. there is an abundance of processed foods. You have to go to a specialty store to pick produce items.

I had thought to do a video of a store here, but I realize that it is the scenario in Jamaica as well. Just walk into any store that claims to sell groceries and you will find that there is only a small section of the store that actually has produce/(i.e. real food) and the rest of the store is filled with man made food products.

It is not real food, but made from real food.

No wonder we are all getting sick. We are eating too much processed foods. We are eating chemistry and not food.

Long gone are the days when food came straight from the ground to the pot.

What are you thoughts?

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