
The New Jamaican Bob Marley movie

 I have not seen the movie yet, however it is receiving lots of media attention. Not to mention the iconic status that the actors depicting the lives of Rita and Bob Marley have achieved.

I have always been a fan of buying Jamaican, and now that such a beautiful product is coming from the island depicting the real Jamaican culture. It is definitely a must see.

It is just a pity that the entire cast could not have been Jamaican.

There was lots of Jamaican talent included in the film and I really like knowing that local talent was employed.

It is a win, although some may call it a small one, but it is a win nonetheless. I hope this will be a step in the direction of not only exploiting Jamaican acting talent, but also the the broad scale launch of a film industry from the island.

There have been several African movies circulating in the US, I long to see Jamaican share in this expedition as well.

After all we are not short of talent.

What are your thoughts? 

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