
Jamaican Dad Jokes

 Before there were named Dad's jokes", some used to label them "Frequently asked Questions" or FAQs.

Some of these have become very popular on the internet, others not so much. These are  just the ones I can remember from my childhood. Please feel free to leave the ones you can remember from your childhood in the comment section below.

Q. What do you call a Jamaican without a nose or a body?

A. Nobody knows

Q. What is so delicate that if you say it's name you break it?

A. Silence

Q. Why do zebras have stripes?

A. To confuse their enemies.

Q. Why did the bee get married?

A. He found his new honey

Q. What did the carpet say to the floor?

A. Don't move I got you covered

Q. Why do bees have sticky hair?

A. Because they be using honey combs.

Q. Why was six afraid of seven?

A. Because seven eight ate) nine

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?

A. The same reason you do, to get to the other side.

Q. What do you call two people who would like to run away and get married but cant?

A. Cant-elopes

Q. What is black and white and Read all over?

A. The news paper

Q. Why did the detectives stay in bed?

A. They wanted to stay under-cover.

Q. Why did big boy tip toe past the medicine cabinet?

A. Because he did not want to wake the sleeping pills



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