
Different ways Jamaicans play with marbles.

 As a child I never grew to like this game because when I would flick the marble

 it would peel the skin back at the edge of my fingernail. 

It was a game however that I loved to watch. I learned the rules of the  of two games I will share that below.

If you know of any more games that are played with marbles, please feel free to share below.

Game 1

Each person comes to the game with the intention to win marbles. ( a little like gambling)

A ring is drawn on the ground with chalk a stick or anything that is available. In that ring a choice of marbles are placed. Each person takes turn to throw their playing marble close to the ring.  The objective is to get marbles out of the ring. Whatever is hit out of the ring is pocketed.

If you marble lands in the ring you would technically lose a turn since your thrown piece now becomes a part of the marbles to win, and you have to throw again when it would have been your turn to play.

To keep in the game you have to have marbles in the ring. If all your marbles have been taken out you have the option to put more marbles in the ring or drop out of the game.

But this was the long way. the short way was just to hit your opponents piece that way you could take out their marbles out of the ring. Because of this rule nobody usually wanted to throw first.

It was usually determined by drawing straws, or by age or height.


Game 2 was a little less popular.

The objective of this one was to score points.

The game starts where players throw their marble from a starting spot then taking turns try to hit their opponents piece.

Every hit gets one free play.

Double points if your opponent's playing marble is broken.

Some boys would cheat by using steel marbles to play.


If I have not mentioned the rules of the marble game you used to play, please do share.

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