
Jamaican Libraries

Back in the day people used to use the library as a meeting place. Forget about the  wealth of books that were present filled with interesting things to learn.

High school students just wanted to meet their friends after school in a somewhat safe environment, where they can hang out for a while.

I once went to the library during high school to do some research on a topic and my friends used to opportunity to hit on girls and goof off. 

I was somewhat disappointed that I did not get to do any work at the library with my friends, was I being naïve?

I may have been, nevertheless, the whole landscape of libraries have changed.

The last time I remember going to the library for a book was during the early 2000's when I was in college. I checked out a couple of books for a research paper that I was doing. My paper had to include a least 5 book in my references. That was the assignment.

I recently moved into an area and I was surprised at the number of books that I had in my possession that I simply don't use anymore. I just put them in the library's book drop.

I was surprised when I visited that library not long after and found that they had a sign that they don't need any more books.  Can you imagine?

A library refusing books.

Since my time in college a visit to the library has been about using their internet on my personal computer. 

The library to me is just a place to access wifi and read quietly.

In a few years these places may be extinct as people do all the research they need on the internet via their phones.

Do you think differently? If so please comment below.

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