
Uniquely Jamaican

Is there such a thing as Uniquely Jamaican?

When you are not exposed to a thing you think really small. I was surprised to know that a lot of the Caribbean islands share culture with Jamaica. I visited a few of these islands recently, and I was surprised that not only does the dialect sound very similar, but they share the same beliefs as well.

They play the same games, cherish the same things. I can see it possible that the slave ship that carried the black people from Africa did not specialize in which slaves were dropped off where. It seems to me that the Caribbean is just one big melting pot of black culture.

Do you share this beleif, or do you think that Jamaica is different from the rest?

What are some things that you know for sure that only Jamaicans do; and how are you so sure that this thing is uniquely Jamaican?

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