
Jamaicans and Sex Remedies

I was in two minds about discussing this topic, because I was fearful that the site would become x-rated. Especially if I decided to post pictures of videos. I have decided against the pictures and videos but decided to talk about the practices I know about.

After all, this site  is named "all things Jamaican." If I am going to be true to the title there can be no topic that is taboo.

As you can imagine this is a very captivating topic on the island. The newspapers publish it constantly, to gain readership. As a matter of fact, I think there was even one newspaper, that was publishing naked girls.

In the more established papers there was a section, probably still is, called "help me pastor" and "help me doctor" where people speak openly about their sexual habits in order to find out if there was something wrong. There was even a centerfold in the star newspaper when I was a child, of a woman showing her breasts. I can only imagine what this is today.

The songs are laced with implicit and explicit lyrics about sex, so on a blog like this why not talk about it?


The first item up for discussion is a drug that has the side effect of no- ejaculation for men. Commonly known as "Boom"

Ride all day and even all night without the urge to cum. Does this still exist? If so share your story.

The others are probably more well-known know such as Chiney Brush and Stone that have the same effect. However, there is no burning sensation with boom. 

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