
Jamaicans Deportees

Jamaicans the world over are sent back to Jamaica for crimes that they commit abroad. Sometimes the crimes are heinous murders, but sometimes the crime is just being in the country illegally.

There are many that are being sent back to the country, for the latter crime. Some thought they would have been able to make a life for themselves in these foreign countries, but their expectations were met with bitter disappointment.

To add insult to injury, there are some who were brought to the U.S. as youngsters, but because their parents never managed to straighten out themselves, these children grew up without documentation and some are sent back as adults, to Jamaica.

Now, these are total misfits. The country that they grew up in is not their home country, and the one for which they have their nationality is foreign to them. 

I don't know which is worse, give sanctuary to all who get to the borders of the US or send back all to their country of origin who don't have documentation.

To not have rules and allow everyone that comes to the U.S. to stay, would crush the infrastructure. Just think on a smaller scale, if I were to allow all the people that I meet with a sob story, to come to live in my house because they consider me prosperous, would deplete all my resources.

However, sending everybody back is not the solution also either.

What do you think is the solution to this problem? Is there a solution?  

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