
The most expensive houses in Jamaica


It wasn't unitl I migrate into the states that I understood that there were building codes and a team of enforcers for this.

In Jamaica at teh house where I lived for 7 years we just modified the property as we saw fit. Afterall we were paying for the house and the house technicqlly belonged to us.

I think this is the typical mindset of every Jamaican. Just recently (2023) I visited Jamaica and was shown some grandeus houses that had 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. 

I thought to myself surely some "Big Shot" must live here. Afterall who needs so many bedrooms and bathrooms except the very rich.

I was made to understand tht it belonged to a taxi driver who had 4 adult daughters living with him.

"How much money must this taxi man be making?" I thought. 

My Jamaican companion told me, "no more than regular!" 

I was amazed, "Then how was he able to build this mansion of a house?" I enquired.

"Oh Likkle likkle. It was orinally a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house. But over time theyy added the additional bedrooms and bathrooms.

It is quite posible that the most expensive house in the island does not belong to a wealthy person, but instead a family that stuck together and transformed their little home into some thing grand.

Don't get me wrong I know the DJ's and entertainers build nice expensive houses with all the latest fixtures, however I'm sure John Average is still competing with those house becasue there are not as many enforcers in Jamaica as there is in the States.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

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