
Jamaican swamps


I remember many years ago there was the boy who strayed too far into swamp lands in St Catherine and was eaten alive by an alligator. The news made JBC now the famed TVJ. 

At the time I was wondering," why this little boy went into the swamps alone?" However I know the answer. Children will just be children, sometimes doing the things that their parents warned not to. Sometimes they escape, and in this case sometimes the don't escape the foreseen danger that parents warn about. Unfortunately this little boy paid for his stupidity with his life.

Does anyone remember this story?

On another note the place where I now live in the states has been zoned a wetland (swamp). However builders are buying it out in droves. They have been dumping it out and building houses like crazy. I can't help but wonder where does the wild life go that once inhabited these wetlands. Occasionally I will drive by and see all types of animals lying on the road slaughtered but I'm still wondering, probably hoping that some have made a seamless transition to other lands. But the rate at which these houses are going up it has become a little concerning to me. 

What will happen when all these wetlands are converted into a concrete jungle?

I did a little research and found that my speculation was right.

All these wetlands do act as a healthy habitat for several animals, and as the wetlands are destroyed, so too is the livelihood of the animals.

When will construction be enough? 

I know that in Jamaica several wetlands were converted into homes. While this maybe something good in the short run, is there an environmental factor that is not being considered?

I was happen to find out that the sale of one of Jamaica's islands (goat Island I think it is called) to China was turned down owing to environmental concerns. They had plan to bring in heavy construction equipment and convert the island into a port, but the environmentalists one this time.  I'm not sure they will always win this fight because construction always goes on.

 The story is no different in the states. I was surprised to find out that the Continental United states still has 55% of its land uninhabited, but will the construction ever stop? Are we truly stretching towards 100% inhabited?

Surely someone must see that this is not good, not just for the animals and the environment but for the people too.

A couple of  years ago we had a big rain event here and I was so surprised to see the amount of homes that went under water.

I had this colleague of mine tell me she went to bed as normal and woke up with a foot of water in her house. The nearby lake had overflowed right into her house.

No doubt her house was built in one of the wetland areas. This is where the water run off used to go, but since the swamps have been dumped up and built on, there is no where for the water to go but into the houses.

Thankfully I live at the top of a hill, so all the surrounding areas are going to be flooded before it gets to my house, but it does not give me a good feeling.

If all the houses around me were to flood, then my house would become an island, and I would not be able to get to and from the store.

These are my few thoughts.

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