
Jamaican Universites


How much do you know about Jamaican Universities?

There are two prominent University of The West Indies (UWI) and University of technology (U-tech). I'm not sure if they are privately run or public at this point. All I know is that the school fees are astronomical. 

I don't think John average can attend these universities without some serious financial connections.

Has there been a move to connect the poor man with the learning opportunities offered on these campuses.. 

Why is it always the case that it takes someone outside of the local community to discover the treasures that we have on this island.

Maybe we will sell it like we did all our other treasures on the island.

There should be honorary mention of the colleges on the island.

No doubt they have helped "John Average" to achieve financial stability in the island and get the desired educational status needed.

What do you have to say about this? 

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