
Adult entertainment in Jamaica

 No this is not what you think it is. However no doubt the sex industry is a big topic, but one I will talk about in another posting.

When I say the Adult entertainment industry, I am actually talking about gaming. The gaming industry no doubt has taken a strong hold of people of all ages.

As a result there is a massive money making app industry on cell phones. I have been often playing a game on my phone only to see an advertisement for another game pop on on my phone. Like "Gee Whiz!" How many games can I play in a single day?

It would seem that the advertising industry does not care that you may be limited to 24 hours. Some of which you have to use to eat sleep and travel. Maybe they have more than 24hrs in their day.

Probably they want to capitalize on those extra seconds we get that is the cause of our leap year for our calendar. Whatever the their reason no doubt there is no shortage of ads.

The thing is that we have been made to see more ads on our games because each games features ads. The more games you have the more likely you will see more ads.

Sometimes these ads are aggressive and won't close either. Talk about forceful advertising. Makes me go hmm should I even have this many games on my phone.

However you can't blame the advertisers. The want to get their products in front of eyes, and there is no other place which eyes are glued more than to devices these days.

In times gone by it was the television, hence the reason for the story "county of the one eyed giant. But now we have another one eyed giant aking over our society and it is our cellphones.

The struggle to keep our eyes off our phones have become even greater, with the introduction of such apps as YouTube. Now endless eyes are glued to their phones all day long.

Which brings me to the topic at hand.

In times gone by games and to a lesser extent television were things associated with children, but now everyone is playing games. And with the introduction of the different gaming consoles; adults have been incorporated into the gaming industry.

It seem that the marketing strategy is to not get weaned from the games. 

When I was young it was Contra , Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat that were the games for teens. I am surprised that these games are still around and are still being played, by the same kids now grown to be adults. There has been so much more added in to that genre of gaming. I hear Grand Theft Auto  is all the craze now.

Talk about a successful marketing plan. Not losing the existing customers while gaining plenty of new ones.

I think it is this very concept that Apple has employed why their phones are still being used today.

No doubt the Android has more apps and  features but still there is a loyalty to I-phones because apple chose to market to the young.

But we will see how long this will last, as Android continues to create bigger and better phones.

At the time of me writing this Apple still has not put out a foldable phone, but their process are still competing with the other android devices.

We will see how long it takes the I-phone users to catch on.

What are your thoughts on the android vs iPhone battle? 

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