
Old Jamaican Toys

 As technology slowly takes over the world, everything becomes digitized even the toys used in Jamaica is affected technology. Are the days truly gone when children would use their creativity to make manually operated toys to entertain themselves?

Nowadays it is  commonplace to hear a child say he or she is bored. We as adults should realize that this is just a cry that they need something to do. 

When I was a child you know your creativity was your best friend and you would use your creativity to make toys for your entertainment. So you were never really bored at any time

There are toys that we enjoyed as children that I don't think the present Jamaican youth will ever really appreciate. I watched a couple of videos online and I see that some of the toys I am referring to was actually were made in other countries. For example the skate where you get a an old bearing to use as a wheel for a make shift bike. See picture below.

I Africa it is called a scooter and there are many images on youtube and the like that show pics of it.

How can we ever forget the classical box truck. Oh my goodness that was all the rave to see who could fix up  their box truck or car the best. 

Not to mention the bottle stopper games.

As a child I used bottle stoppers to play soccer using an old shirt button as the ball. Is this still done by anyone?

If you couldn't get enough bottle stoppers to make a full 11th side team, there was always money football. I think this must still be employed by the youth of today.

 But then again maybe not because all the games are on phones.

We have two large coins hitting a small account and you use the fudge sticks to do it move the pieces taking turns to play. 

You know those were the days. Then you have the gig. You know how many times would you'd wrap the gig out around and you know throw it on the floor just to see it spin out.

I guess the toys that evolved from this one are the fidget spinner and the yo-yo. The yoyo is probably still around, cause I have seen some kids play with it. But I remember when there was the Coca-Cola competition in Jamaica then yoyos were all the craze . 

What toys did you use as a child that you no longer see being used?

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