
How to make classical Jamaican toys

 Did you use the following toys as a child. If so do tell how you built them.



I did not find the instructions to build the toy that I know. However upon searching YouTube I found that there is a very similar item built in Africa even till present day that has evolved into a very necessary part of everyday life. In Jamaica back in the 80's and 90's we referred to it as a skate. Here they call it a scooter.

Here is the video below. There are tons of video online of them using the gadget, but this was the only one that O found where they actually built it on screen.


Box truck

If I have left out an old favorite please feel free to jot it down in the comments and I will ensure to add it.

The Jamaican teacher problem

 I still don't understand it. How can a profession as important as a teacher be undermined under paid for so many years?

It seems that no matter where you look, i.e. in countries al around the world the cry is the same.

There is a shortage of teachers because of the pay offered. While some will accept the pay because of a love for kids, sometimes the love grow cold. No doubt, additional compensation would only sweeten the pot.

Here is the solution I propose. Each athlete in the world should sponsor a teacher's salary. Especially those who make millions a year. Raise base salary of teachers to US$100,000.

No more teacher shortages, because the funding would be available to pay teachers. 

Call it the teacher tax. 

What do you think about my solution?


What Jamaicans used to know

There are things in society that somehow is an awakening to the reality that you really are old. Just recently I was reading and I recognize that there are things that I was used to use as a child that are distant history. 

For example, the rewinding of a cassette tape with a with a pencil, or dial up internet. I don't know if the current youth of the day will even know what that is like to actually get up to change your TV channels. As funny as it may sound, this was something that I was used to as child.

You know to come a little closer home. You know to pass the time. Almost every woman in Jamaica knew how to crochet or how to knit.  I don't even know if that's a thing anymore.  You'll probably find some crocheting and knitting, but it seems that soon it will be a thing of the past. Maybe just maybe in the tourists  areas and sites tour sites there are some who still do it.

Can anyone confirm this is the case?

Probably even sewing in general is going to be a thing of the past because who has time to sew and the stitch anymore? I mean I went to men's warehouse recently and they still have a tailor on site so I guess that is something that will never grow old. But man I remember those when those things were commonplace for the for the everyday housewife.

As our picture above implies, there are methodologies of making tea and food that have gone extinct. The older generation is dying out and with them the knowledge of how things used to be done naturally.

What things do you know that have come and gone simply because there's no more need of it.

Old Jamaican Toys

 As technology slowly takes over the world, everything becomes digitized even the toys used in Jamaica is affected technology. Are the days truly gone when children would use their creativity to make manually operated toys to entertain themselves?

Nowadays it is  commonplace to hear a child say he or she is bored. We as adults should realize that this is just a cry that they need something to do. 

When I was a child you know your creativity was your best friend and you would use your creativity to make toys for your entertainment. So you were never really bored at any time

There are toys that we enjoyed as children that I don't think the present Jamaican youth will ever really appreciate. I watched a couple of videos online and I see that some of the toys I am referring to was actually were made in other countries. For example the skate where you get a an old bearing to use as a wheel for a make shift bike. See picture below.

I Africa it is called a scooter and there are many images on youtube and the like that show pics of it.

How can we ever forget the classical box truck. Oh my goodness that was all the rave to see who could fix up  their box truck or car the best. 

Not to mention the bottle stopper games.

As a child I used bottle stoppers to play soccer using an old shirt button as the ball. Is this still done by anyone?

If you couldn't get enough bottle stoppers to make a full 11th side team, there was always money football. I think this must still be employed by the youth of today.

 But then again maybe not because all the games are on phones.

We have two large coins hitting a small account and you use the fudge sticks to do it move the pieces taking turns to play. 

You know those were the days. Then you have the gig. You know how many times would you'd wrap the gig out around and you know throw it on the floor just to see it spin out.

I guess the toys that evolved from this one are the fidget spinner and the yo-yo. The yoyo is probably still around, cause I have seen some kids play with it. But I remember when there was the Coca-Cola competition in Jamaica then yoyos were all the craze . 

What toys did you use as a child that you no longer see being used?


The most expensive houses in Jamaica


It wasn't unitl I migrate into the states that I understood that there were building codes and a team of enforcers for this.

In Jamaica at teh house where I lived for 7 years we just modified the property as we saw fit. Afterall we were paying for the house and the house technicqlly belonged to us.

I think this is the typical mindset of every Jamaican. Just recently (2023) I visited Jamaica and was shown some grandeus houses that had 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. 

I thought to myself surely some "Big Shot" must live here. Afterall who needs so many bedrooms and bathrooms except the very rich.

I was made to understand tht it belonged to a taxi driver who had 4 adult daughters living with him.

"How much money must this taxi man be making?" I thought. 

My Jamaican companion told me, "no more than regular!" 

I was amazed, "Then how was he able to build this mansion of a house?" I enquired.

"Oh Likkle likkle. It was orinally a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house. But over time theyy added the additional bedrooms and bathrooms.

It is quite posible that the most expensive house in the island does not belong to a wealthy person, but instead a family that stuck together and transformed their little home into some thing grand.

Don't get me wrong I know the DJ's and entertainers build nice expensive houses with all the latest fixtures, however I'm sure John Average is still competing with those house becasue there are not as many enforcers in Jamaica as there is in the States.

What are your thoughts on the subject?


The Jamaican Environment


There is a tendency to highlight the worst when talking about a country's environmnet. Hopefully I  can get some people to highlight the gold old things about this country.

I'm talking about the economic climate. Although the scenario is the same for this. I'm not talking about the work ethic of the people nor am I talking about the genral climate of the island. 

When I say environment here, I'm talking about the general culture of the people. The usual tendencies.

Here is your chance to say what you think is good about the island.

If you rely on the news only you get, such a glum sorry story is usally presented; and it is the case that no where on Earth is all bad.

There is a little gem which goes...

                                                There is so much good in the worst of us 

                                                And so much bad in the best of us

                                                That it little becomes any of us

                                                To speak ill of the rest of us.

Usually when I think of the Jamaican environment I think of downtown Kingston. But is downtown kingston really a good representation of the island?

Usually in the local news they highlight the tourist areas as the best spots. Is that truly the case though.


Jamaican swamps


I remember many years ago there was the boy who strayed too far into swamp lands in St Catherine and was eaten alive by an alligator. The news made JBC now the famed TVJ. 

At the time I was wondering," why this little boy went into the swamps alone?" However I know the answer. Children will just be children, sometimes doing the things that their parents warned not to. Sometimes they escape, and in this case sometimes the don't escape the foreseen danger that parents warn about. Unfortunately this little boy paid for his stupidity with his life.

Does anyone remember this story?

On another note the place where I now live in the states has been zoned a wetland (swamp). However builders are buying it out in droves. They have been dumping it out and building houses like crazy. I can't help but wonder where does the wild life go that once inhabited these wetlands. Occasionally I will drive by and see all types of animals lying on the road slaughtered but I'm still wondering, probably hoping that some have made a seamless transition to other lands. But the rate at which these houses are going up it has become a little concerning to me. 

What will happen when all these wetlands are converted into a concrete jungle?

I did a little research and found that my speculation was right.

All these wetlands do act as a healthy habitat for several animals, and as the wetlands are destroyed, so too is the livelihood of the animals.

When will construction be enough? 

I know that in Jamaica several wetlands were converted into homes. While this maybe something good in the short run, is there an environmental factor that is not being considered?

I was happen to find out that the sale of one of Jamaica's islands (goat Island I think it is called) to China was turned down owing to environmental concerns. They had plan to bring in heavy construction equipment and convert the island into a port, but the environmentalists one this time.  I'm not sure they will always win this fight because construction always goes on.

 The story is no different in the states. I was surprised to find out that the Continental United states still has 55% of its land uninhabited, but will the construction ever stop? Are we truly stretching towards 100% inhabited?

Surely someone must see that this is not good, not just for the animals and the environment but for the people too.

A couple of  years ago we had a big rain event here and I was so surprised to see the amount of homes that went under water.

I had this colleague of mine tell me she went to bed as normal and woke up with a foot of water in her house. The nearby lake had overflowed right into her house.

No doubt her house was built in one of the wetland areas. This is where the water run off used to go, but since the swamps have been dumped up and built on, there is no where for the water to go but into the houses.

Thankfully I live at the top of a hill, so all the surrounding areas are going to be flooded before it gets to my house, but it does not give me a good feeling.

If all the houses around me were to flood, then my house would become an island, and I would not be able to get to and from the store.

These are my few thoughts.

Jamaican Dentists

 There are many revered practitioners in Jamaica. In my travels I have met two that I think are worthy of mention.

Namely Doctor Hunter and Beck who operate a private practice on the premises on Dental Associates located on Half Way tree Road.

These Dentists have been masters of their craft for many many years. I have personally known of people who travel from the States just to visit these Dentists, just because of the quality work performed.

In these days some dentists practice without licenses and their work is questionable. Ensuring that you come back so they can milk either your insurance or pocket.

I think that if you know any good Dentists you should give them a shout out and let them know they are appreciated.


Jamaican Puzzles


I don't know of any Jamaican puzzles, do you?

I'm sure that with the technological advances in the world and consequently in Jamaica there are somethings that Jamaican have invented that have gone world wide.

But I just don't what.

What about you? Do you know any different than I?

Jamaican Universites


How much do you know about Jamaican Universities?

There are two prominent University of The West Indies (UWI) and University of technology (U-tech). I'm not sure if they are privately run or public at this point. All I know is that the school fees are astronomical. 

I don't think John average can attend these universities without some serious financial connections.

Has there been a move to connect the poor man with the learning opportunities offered on these campuses.. 

Why is it always the case that it takes someone outside of the local community to discover the treasures that we have on this island.

Maybe we will sell it like we did all our other treasures on the island.

There should be honorary mention of the colleges on the island.

No doubt they have helped "John Average" to achieve financial stability in the island and get the desired educational status needed.

What do you have to say about this? 


Adult entertainment in Jamaica

 No this is not what you think it is. However no doubt the sex industry is a big topic, but one I will talk about in another posting.

When I say the Adult entertainment industry, I am actually talking about gaming. The gaming industry no doubt has taken a strong hold of people of all ages.

As a result there is a massive money making app industry on cell phones. I have been often playing a game on my phone only to see an advertisement for another game pop on on my phone. Like "Gee Whiz!" How many games can I play in a single day?

It would seem that the advertising industry does not care that you may be limited to 24 hours. Some of which you have to use to eat sleep and travel. Maybe they have more than 24hrs in their day.

Probably they want to capitalize on those extra seconds we get that is the cause of our leap year for our calendar. Whatever the their reason no doubt there is no shortage of ads.

The thing is that we have been made to see more ads on our games because each games features ads. The more games you have the more likely you will see more ads.

Sometimes these ads are aggressive and won't close either. Talk about forceful advertising. Makes me go hmm should I even have this many games on my phone.

However you can't blame the advertisers. The want to get their products in front of eyes, and there is no other place which eyes are glued more than to devices these days.

In times gone by it was the television, hence the reason for the story "county of the one eyed giant. But now we have another one eyed giant aking over our society and it is our cellphones.

The struggle to keep our eyes off our phones have become even greater, with the introduction of such apps as YouTube. Now endless eyes are glued to their phones all day long.

Which brings me to the topic at hand.

In times gone by games and to a lesser extent television were things associated with children, but now everyone is playing games. And with the introduction of the different gaming consoles; adults have been incorporated into the gaming industry.

It seem that the marketing strategy is to not get weaned from the games. 

When I was young it was Contra , Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat that were the games for teens. I am surprised that these games are still around and are still being played, by the same kids now grown to be adults. There has been so much more added in to that genre of gaming. I hear Grand Theft Auto  is all the craze now.

Talk about a successful marketing plan. Not losing the existing customers while gaining plenty of new ones.

I think it is this very concept that Apple has employed why their phones are still being used today.

No doubt the Android has more apps and  features but still there is a loyalty to I-phones because apple chose to market to the young.

But we will see how long this will last, as Android continues to create bigger and better phones.

At the time of me writing this Apple still has not put out a foldable phone, but their process are still competing with the other android devices.

We will see how long it takes the I-phone users to catch on.

What are your thoughts on the android vs iPhone battle? 


Homosexuality in Jamaica

 If this site is truly to be all things Jamaican, I guess I have to express my views on this as well.

I know we are heading towards the conditions that were in Sodom and Gomorrah, because the bible says so.

Its just interesting to see how it is that the minority has slowly taken over the majority.

In the words of a pastor that I listen to "It is one thing to have the blind lead the blind, but it is all together a travesty when the blind lead the sighted."

This is all I have to say for now.

Father's day in Jamaica

"Like what!? Father's day! I never knew they had a day."- said no one ever. Well maybe it was said before the day actually existed, but no one probably said that following the day's commemoration.

Then again I might be wrong. What I am sure about though is that the day for the mothers is generally more celebrated and recognized than the day for fathers generally is.

Although even this is changing. As society experiences a shift, more and more fathers are being celebrated and father's day is actually becoming a thing.

I wonder with the discussion that are looming about gender identity, will these days come under attack as well?

The latest and greatest cell phones in Jamaica

 I know there is a booming market for cell phones in Jamaica, but do they have all the new ones that are in the states?

What are your thoughts?

Jamaican Apps

 I have left the island many many years ago; when beepers were still a thing and the Nokia cellphone was the phone of choice. The only colors on the screen then were black writing against the green background. Something similar to what's shown below.

I know we have jumped leaps and bounds since then. But I'm curious, is there any one phone dominating the phone market and what about apps?

Are there any truly Jamaican apps servicing the Jamaican population?  If you know any do tell.

How Jamaicans say Goodbye without saying bye.

I have listed a few of the ways in which Jamaicans say Good Bye without actually using the words bye. If you think of any, please jot it bel...