
Jamaican Home Remedies - lime juice

It must be said, that none of these statements have been evaluated by any health agency. This entire post is based on word-of-mouth. 

There is nothing like lime juice for upset stomach. If you feel nauseous drink some lime juice, if you have heartburn squeeze a lime and drink the juice.

If you have a sore throat lime and honey will do the trick.

Another natural remedy is garlic.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic, so people use it for sore throat as well.

It has been said that garlic can help with many maladies, such as cancers or matters relating to circulation.

Garlic is a natural blood thinner, so it has been known to be used to treat patients whose arteries have hardened.

If you got a bowel movement problem, you can eat some prunes and or drink the juice to get some movement. With all natural remedies, it is assumed that you are drinking a minimum of 6 glasses of water per day.

These remedies don't work unless you are drinking enough water.

As we age sometimes we develop what is called angina. If we include this in our regular diet it is possible that we can reduce the pain.
Saw this on Facebook recently, and did not realize that so many people did not know what it was. Do you know what this is? Do you know how it is made? Do you know the proper name for it?

I will tell you what I know. It is used for scorpion or centipede bites. I'm not sure of the name of the serum, however, it was applied to the wound after you were bitten by either centipede or scorpion. It was prepared by soaking a dead scorpion/centipede in white rum.

As a child I was scared stiff that I had to drink it.

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