
Jamaicans in Cuba

O.K. Trying to see if this works. I want to know if there are Jamaicans in this country. Send me a link or a video of Jamaicans in this country. I will search YouTube for any videos and post here. But in the meantime send me what you have.

If it was interesting to you , its interesting to me, and will be interesting to someone else. Please share.

If I do not get any responses I will assume there are no Jamaicans in this country.
Make a note represent your country.

You have me all thinking, why would a Jamaican even be in this country? Answer that. You all are neighbors, but this country has a bad reputation. Why you all mixing. If you stay there long enough you too going to get bad reputation.

I withdraw my request. Maybe if you all use the internet in this country, you get arrested.

What about Jamaican Restaurants and Nightclubs, do they even exist in this country? If so what are their names?

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