
Will Jamaica ever be a country that accepts homsexuals?

 The Jamaicans in the country are definitely aware that there is a homosexual community in the island. Thus the many songs that say that they should die unnaturally. However as the citizens are bombarded with homosexual rhetoric in media, no doubt they are beginning to show signs of desensitization.

When I was young, there was indeed much talk by the general public that homosexuals are not normal human beings, and as such they should NOT be treated as such. I don't blame the people.  

They have written in their laws that buggery is a crime against nature and man. Nevertheless it has never stopped anyone from practicing it.

Let's face it. Buggery has been around since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident what God thinks of it. However even that demonstration of vengeance has never stopped anyone from practicing it.

Contrary to the wishes of the general population in Jamaica there is a thriving LGBTQ+ community in Jamaica. If given enough time, they will rise to show their faces and change the laws that prohibit their practices.

So for now, it is done in secret behind closed doors. The thing is though that the topic is coming up more frequently in conversations. In the same 70% of the American population voted against homosexual rights and was somehow forced to accept it . I believe that Jamaicans will be forced to accept this change that they don't want.

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