
Riddle of the day -6/03

 Riddles are a type of puzzle or word game that requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills. They are often posed as a question or a statement that seems impossible to answer at first, and require a bit of thought and imagination to decipher. Riddles can be found in literature, folklore, and games like crossword puzzles and brain teasers. They can be used for entertainment, to challenge the mind, or to convey a message or moral lesson. Overall, riddles can be a fun and engaging way to stimulate the brain and keep the mind sharp.

See if you can answer the following riddle.

I go up and I come down, but I'm not a roller coaster ride,

I have steps and a rail, to walk or to slide.

I lead to a destination, high or low,

And have been featured in movies as an iconic show.

What am I?

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