
Jamaica - A sad tale of being twice removed

Marcus grew up in the small coastal town, known as Montego Bay, St James. In this town there was always warm smiles and the soothing cultural rhythms of reggae music. He would have loved to have spent all his years in this town, but fate would have a different plan for him.

As a young man, Marcus found himself torn between his dreams and the realities of life in Jamaica. He yearned for new opportunities and a chance to explore the world beyond the shores of his homeland. With a heavy heart, he made the difficult decision to leave his family, friends, and the familiarity of Jamaica behind, in pursuit of his dreams..

Marcus settled in the bustling city of Queens, New York, miles away from the sandy beaches and lush mountains of Jamaica. Although he was able to realize a successful taxi business, and was able to build a comfortable life for himself, he couldn't shake the feeling of being twice removed from his true home. The sounds of the city couldn't compare to the melodic beats of a the waves hitting the shore, or the smell of the sweet aroma of Jamaican spices seemed distant and elusive.

Years had passed since Marcus had left his Island, but still he found himself longing for a deeper connection to his Jamaican roots. He yearned to revisit the land that had shaped him. He longed to be immersed once again in the vibrant culture and reconnect with his heritage. So one sunny day, he decided it was time to embark on a journey back to Jamaica, to reclaim the part of himself that he felt had been twice removed.

As Marcus stepped foot on Jamaican soil, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, as he walked through the air port and heard the dialect that he knew so well. The familiar sights, and smells enveloped him, filling his heart with a sense of belonging he had longed for. Before going to his hotel, he wandered through the vibrant markets, indulged in the flavors of jerk chicken and ackee and saltfish, and danced to the infectious rhythms of reggae music.

He could not contain himself, as soon as he had put his travel bags down, he took a taxi to the town that he thought he knew so well. Although the taxi-man warned it was not a safe place, Marcus visited the site of the village where he grew up. However when he got there he saw no familiar faces. He made enquiries from the men seated on the corner about his family members and persons of interest; but his enquiries were unwelcomed.

He in turn was questioned and the men started to ask him for money. It was obvious that he did not belong to this place that he had once called home.. This place that had shaped his Jamaican identity, now felt strange. The request for money intensified from the men he had previously asked for help.

He tried to push one of them away that had gotten to close for comfort, in retaliation to the push the man stabbed Marcus several times. He fell to the ground as blood gushed from his body. People flocked to him, but not to help. Some took his wallet, others his shoes and anything valuable they could find that Marcus had on his person.

Some of the other men that had been seated on the corner tried to save Marcus, however their intervention did not seem enough. It was obvious Marcus had to be taken to the hospital, but none wanted to take Marcus in their car, because of all the blood he was losing. When Marcus finally got the hospital, he was pronounced DOA.

Investigations revealed that it was a drug addict that did the stabbing. Was Marcus wrong to have left the island originally? Was he wrong to have returned? What did he do wrong that made him lose his life? To cure the feeling of feeling removed from his people, Marcus had paid the ultimate price. He had left his people to pursue dreams but in returning to them he was again removed from them, this time permanently.

Pig Cow and Sheep - fear not


On Old MacDonald's farm, Cow, Sheep, and Pig lived together. They were the best of friends and spent most of their days playing in the field.

Although Pig, Sheep, and Cow each had their own fears,  Sheep, had an overwhelming fear of heights. 

One sunny day, Pig and Cow noticed Sheep gazing longingly at the top of a nearby hill. They could see the desire in her eyes, but her fear held her back. Determined to help Sheep overcome her fear, Pig and Cow devised a plan because they always supported and encouraged each other through thick and thin.

They started by creating a small hill out of hay in the farmyard, and asked Sheep to climb it. Pig and Cow stood at the bottom of the hill and smiled reassuringly at Sheep. "You can do it!" said Cow. Sheep hesitated at first, her heart pounding with anxiety. But she knew she had the support of her friends and took a deep breath.

First she took one step, her hooves trembling with each ascent, but then she took another step, then another, and she was at the top of the hay hill. Pig and Cow cheered her on, their words of encouragement echoing through the air. From the top Sheep looked down and a surge of confidence washed over her, and she felt a sense of accomplishment like never before. She came down the hill and then climbed it again.

 Pig and Cow cheered again. "You did it!" cheered Pig.  As Sheep looked down from the hay hill, she realized she had conquered her fear. 

Realizing their friends newfound courage, Pig decided to take it a step further. Pig led sheep to a small hill in the meadow, a bit higher than the hay hill. Sheep hesitated at first, as her fear resurfaced.

"I can't  climb that one, it is too high!" Sheep objected.

"Remember how you had just climbed the hay hill." Cow reminded her. "It's the same thing."  

"Besides Pig and I will not leave your side, we will be here to support you every step of the way.

With her friends' encouragement, Sheep slowly climbed the meadow hill. Her heart raced, but she was not going to  let her fear hold her back.. Just as before with one step at a time she reached the top. Smile spread across her face. She had conquered her fear of heights..

From that day forward, Sheep fearlessly explored the highest hills with Pig and Cow by her side. Her newfound courage inspired the other animals on the farm, teaching them that fears can be overcome with determination and the support of loved ones.

And so, the story of Pig, Sheep, and Cow reminds us that with the help of friends, we can conquer our fears and discover the strength within ourselves to reach new heights


The Best basket ball players from Jamaica

 Jamaica may not be known for its basketball prowess on the international stage, but the country has produced some talented basketball players who have made their mark in the sport. Here are just a few notable basketball players from Jamaica:

1. Patrick Ewing: Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Patrick Ewing is one of the most iconic basketball players of all time. He had a successful career in the NBA, playing primarily for the New York Knicks. Ewing was a dominant force on both ends of the court and is considered one of the greatest centers in NBA history.

2. Samardo Samuels: Samardo Samuels is a professional basketball player who was born in Trelawny, Jamaica. He played college basketball at the University of Louisville before transitioning to the NBA. Although his NBA career was relatively short-lived, Samuels has had success playing internationally in various leagues.

3. Rick Fox: Rick Fox was born in Toronto, Canada, but his parents are Jamaican. He is a retired professional basketball player who had a successful career in the NBA. Fox won three NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers alongside legendary players like Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal.

4. Jerome Jordan: Jerome Jordan is a Jamaican professional basketball player who has played in various international leagues. He has also represented the Jamaican national basketball team in international competitions. Jordan's impressive size and skills have earned him recognition in the basketball world.

While these players have made their mark in basketball, it's important to note that basketball is still a developing sport in Jamaica compared to other countries. However, their achievements serve as inspiration for young Jamaican athletes to pursue their basketball dreams and contribute to the growth of the sport in the country.

Pig, Sheep and Cow -Patience


On Old MacDonald's farm, Cow, Sheep, and Pig lived together. 

They were the best of friends and spent most of their days playing in the field.

One sunny morning, as Cow was walking pass farmer's window she heard something very interesting. She heard the farmer on the phone say there was going to be a new and exciting treat added to the farm for the animals.

My friends have to know this she thought

Filled with anxiety, Cow shared what she had heard with Pig and Sheep. The three animals were so excited and eagerly awaited the arrival of this mysterious treasure. They could hardly contain their excitement and started imagining all the wonderful things it could be. 

Cow envisioned a field of extra tender grass, Sheep dreamed of a never-ending supply of fresh hay, and Pig hoped for a mud pit that would be the envy of all the pigs.

A lot of time passed but still there was no sign of this special treat. Impatience started to creep into the hearts of the three friends, and they grew weary of waiting. Sheep became frustrated and began to question Cow, "Are you sure that you heard the farmer say the treat was coming?"

But the truth was that since so much time had passed, even Cow was now beginning to lose hope that the treat would ever come. A dark cloud of despair began to settle over the farm as the animals waited for the mystery treat. Cow began not to like the grass as much that she ate everyday. Sheep began to be dissatisfied with the hay that the farmer provided. Even Pig was beginning to find his daily ration of scraps unsatisfying and the mud pit that he rolled around in, just did not seem as much fun as it did before.  

The wise old owl who lived in the roof of the barn heard the sighs of disappointment from the three friends and went to intervene. So Owl flew down and perched on the fence near where the three friends were. With a gentle hoot, he shared this wise saying, "Good things come to those who wait, my dear friends. Patience is a virtue that brings great rewards."

After listening intently to the owl's wise words, they realized that their impatience was clouding their judgment and preventing them from appreciating the things that they presently had. Determined to regain their patience, they made a pact to support each other and embrace the wait.

Days turned into weeks once again, but this time, Cow, Sheep, and Pig found joy in the anticipation. They focused on the simple pleasures of their daily routines and cherished the time spent together. They discovered that patience allowed them to savor each moment, making their friendship stronger than ever.

Then, one beautiful spring morning, when the flowers were in full bloom and the air was filled with the sweet scent of nature, a truck arrived at the farm. The driver unloaded a large wooden crate, filled to the brim with a delicious and nutritious treat that all the animals loved. It was corn.

This was better than the field of grass Cow had imagined, better than the hay Sheep had wanted and it was better than any pieces of scraps that Pig had become accustomed to eating.

As Cow, Sheep, and Pig feasted on the scrumptious treasures, they realized that the wait had been worth it. Their patience had been rewarded with an abundance of goodness that surpassed their wildest dreams. They learned that good things truly do come to those who wait.

From that day forward, Cow, Sheep, and Pig carried the virtue of patience in their hearts. They shared their story with the other animals on the farm, reminding them that sometimes, the greatest joy comes from the journey itself. And so, the farm became a place where patience was cherished and good things flourished.

And as the years went by, Cow, Sheep, and Pig continued to live harmoniously, enjoying the simple joys of life together, always remembering the valuable lesson they had learned - that in the end, good things truly do come to those who wait.


Friendship Poem


Looking back at our Whatsapp posts, they warm my heart,

I"m appreciating  each line. Like they were a work of art.

Smiles spread across my face as memories unwind,

It's marvelous to think that we've been in touch for such a  long long time

Through words we've shared, and emotions deep,

We've built a connection that's lasting and sweet

Each comment and message, a treasure to find,

Our bond can truly be described as one of a kind

In this digital world, where distances reside,

Our friendship has flourished, and our hearts unified.

From heartfelt conversations to laughter's chime,

Our journey together, is like a poem with a perfect rhyme.

The stories we've told, the dreams we've shared,

Supporting each other, showing we cared.

Through highs and lows, we've been by each other's side,

Even in this online realm, our friendship did not subside.

So let our words this friendship continue to weave,

A tapestry of unity, where love will never leave.

So here's to the moments, cherished and true,

Giving our connection, the respect it is due


Driving through Kingston Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica, often receives a reputation for being an unsafe place. However, it is important to acknowledge that every city has its share of safe and unsafe areas. In this blog article, we will dive into the perception of safety in Kingston and shed light on places that are not as bad as they may seem.

Perception vs. Reality:

Perceptions can often be misleading, and when it comes to safety, they can be particularly skewed. The media tends to focus on negative incidents, creating a distorted image of a place. While it is undeniable that Kingston, like any other city, has its challenges, it is important not to generalize and dismiss the entire city as unsafe. There are areas within Kingston that are relatively safe and offer unique experiences to visitors and locals alike.

Exploring Safe Places in Kingston:

Despite the negative reputation, Kingston has several areas that are considered safe for residents and tourists. The following neighborhoods are worth considering:

1. New Kingston:

New Kingston is the commercial heart of the city and is known for its vibrant atmosphere and modern infrastructure. With well-maintained streets, upscale hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers, this area is a popular choice for tourists. The presence of security personnel and a strong police presence contributes to a sense of safety.

2. Hope Gardens:

Hope Gardens is a serene and picturesque botanical garden located in the heart of Kingston. It offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city and is a favorite spot for families, nature enthusiasts, and joggers. The well-maintained paths and overall peaceful ambiance make it a safe place to visit.

3. Devon House:

Devon House is a historical landmark that showcases Jamaica's rich heritage. This beautifully preserved mansion-turned-museum is surrounded by lush gardens and offers guided tours, art galleries, and a range of culinary delights. The area is patrolled by security personnel, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors.

To gain a deeper understanding of the safety situation in Kingston, let us consider the video above. I think this video provides valuable visual insights, it is crucial to analyze them critically and consider the context in which they were filmed. Factors such as the time of day, location, and personal experiences of the videographer can heavily influence the portrayal of safety.

It is unfair to label an entire city as unsafe based on prevalent perceptions or isolated incidents. Kingston, Jamaica, has its challenges, but it also offers safe and vibrant areas for residents and tourists to explore. By highlighting places like New Kingston, Hope Gardens, and Devon House, we aim to challenge the negative perception and encourage individuals to explore and experience the diverse offerings of this remarkable city. Let's remember that safety should not be generalized, and it is essential to exercise caution and be aware of one's surroundings regardless of the location.

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are based on available information and personal experiences. It is always recommended to conduct thorough research and consult local authorities for the latest safety updates before visiting any destination


Pig Cow and sheep - be yourself

 On Old MacDonald's farm, Pig, Cow, and Sheep lived together. Cow, with her rich, creamy milk, was praised by the farmer daily. Pig was known for his plumpness and for cleaning up all the scraps left around the farm. Sheep, with her soft, woolly fleece, was sheared and admired every spring.

Pig began to envy Cow's admiration and Sheep's soft fleece. "Why should Cow be valued more for her milk? Why should Sheep's fleece be sought after?" Pig grumbled. "I want what they have."

Consumed by envy, Pig decided to act. He tried producing milk like Cow but failed miserably, causing a mess and angering the farmer. He then tried to grow a thick fleece by rolling in the straw, but only ended up looking ridiculous, much to Sheep's amusement.

Cow and Sheep noticed Pig’s antics and approached him. "Why are you trying to be like us, Pig?" Sheep asked gently.

Pig sighed. "I want the farmer to appreciate me as much as he does you."

Cow mooed thoughtfully. "But, Pig, you are appreciated. The farmer values you for who you are. Without you, we would have scraps all over the place, and the farm would be a mess. You have your unique role on this farm."

Sheep nodded. "Coveting what others have blinds you to your own worth. Each of us is special in our way."

Pig realized his mistake. The farmer did indeed value him for his contributions. From that day on, Pig stopped coveting what Cow and Sheep had. Instead, he took pride in his role on the farm.

In time, Pig understood the wisdom behind the commandment "thou shalt not covet." By embracing his uniqueness and not longing for what others possessed, he found contentment and harmony, making the farm a happier place for all.

Lion Monkey Mouse - be yourself

 In the heart of a lush forest, Lion, Mouse, and Monkey lived together. Lion, the king of the jungle, was strong and respected by all. Mouse, tiny and nimble, was quick and clever. Monkey, agile and playful, was the entertainer, bringing joy to the forest creatures.

One day, as Monkey swung through the trees, he saw Lion basking in the sun, commanding respect from every animal that passed. Envy gnawed at Monkey. "Why should Lion get all the respect? I want that," he thought. 

Later, Monkey watched Mouse squeeze into tiny holes to find hidden treats. Again, envy flared. "Mouse has such cleverness. I wish I could find treats like that," Monkey mused.

Determined to gain respect and cleverness, Monkey tried to roar like Lion. His attempts only echoed through the forest as awkward screeches, making the other animals laugh. Frustrated, Monkey attempted to squeeze into small spaces like Mouse, but he got stuck and had to be rescued by giraffe and hippo. Mouse laughed so hard when he saw monkey stuck that tears came to his eyes.

Lion and Mouse decided to approach monkey so they could find out the reason for his odd behavior. "What is going on with you Monkey?" Lion asked.

" I want to be like you and Mouse? Monkey sighed. "I want the respect Lion has and the cleverness Mouse possesses."

Mouse spoke gently, "But Monkey, you have your own special gifts. You bring joy and laughter to all of us. The forest wouldn't be the same without your playfulness."

Lion nodded. "Coveting what others have blinds you to your own worth. Each of us has a unique role in the forest."

Monkey realized his mistake. From that day on, he stopped coveting Lion’s strength and Mouse’s cleverness. Instead, he embraced his ability to entertain and make others happy.

Monkey learned the wisdom of "thou shalt not covet." By valuing his own gifts, he found peace and enriched the lives of his friends, making the forest a joyful place for all.

Pig sheep and Cow - listen to your parents

On a thriving farm, Pig, Cow, and Sheep lived together with their parents. One sunny day, so hile pig was as playing with cow and sheep, Pig's mother called him to her side and warned, " Be careful not to eat the strange mushrooms growing by the barn."

"O.k. mommy said Pig, and he went back to playing with his friends.

"What did your mom want?", asked cow.

She was telling me to stay away from the mushrooms growing by the side of the barn. 

"You mean these ones?" And with that cow picked up a few of the mushrooms and ate them. 

"They look so tasty?" Said sheep. "Let me try one?"

Sheep picked one mushroom and ate it. "It doesn't taste that bad after all." 

Looking at pig sheep said. "You should try it?"

"But Mom said"....pig objected.

"Baby!!" Cow mused.

Look nothing is going to happen, both sheep and I ate it and nothing happened to us. Why do you think something is going to happen to you?"

So ignoring his mom’s warning, Pig decided to eat the mushrooms. As soon as he had done so he face started to swell and he felt sick, his stomach aching terribly.

"I don't feel so good!" said Pig and he fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

Cow and sheep tried to awaken pig, but he would not awaken.

What should we do? Sheep asked.

"Let's leave him here and hope his mom sees him." Replied Cow.

They were about to walk off when Pig's mom came racing over.

What happened? She asked

"We were playing and he said he did not feel good and fell down." Said Cow.

"That's not true!" said sheep. "He fell down after he ate those mushrooms "

Oh no!!! Screamed his mother. She ran back to the barn with some herbs in her mouth. Then she put it in Pig's mouth.

The she started to kick his belly. Again she tried to put the herb down his mouth and started to kick Pig's belly

Suddenly pig started to cough. He the vomited up the mushrooms and the herbs his mom had given him. Pig started to revive.

"Why didn't you listen to my warning?" Pig's mother asked. "I’m sorry mom. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Pig admitted.

Pig’s mother  added. "I have lived longer and learned from my experiences, and I want to keep you safe and happy. Please don’t ignore my warnings again! This have have ended much much worse.”

“Ok Mom” Pig replied.

From that day on, Pig, Cow, and Sheep understood that their parents knew best. They listened more carefully to their advice and warnings, realizing it came from a place of love and wisdom.


Microsoft and LGBTQ+

 As part of Pride celebrations, Microsoft highlighted the diversity of LGBTQIA+ communities with its products.

At a time when LGBTQIA+, transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive communities need support, Microsoft invites everyone to keep and make more Pride by sharing stories, open-sourcing the entire Pride campaign design, contributing to LGBTQIA+ organizations, and creating a wide product release.

see full story here

Promoting my blog

 I plan to use the following methods to promote my blog, if there is something that I have left out, please don't hesitate to tell me.

1. Use Social Media - I plan to share my blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Ensuring to use appropriate hashtags and descriptions that will grab people's attention. Interact with my followers and respond to their comments.

2. Participate in Online Communities - Participate in online communities that relate to my blog's topic, such as forums, online groups or LinkedIn groups, and offer helpful comments. Share my blog links, depending on the rules of the community.

3. Use SEO Optimization - Optimize my blog for search engines using keywords that are related to my niche. I can use free research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or to help me identify the best keywords.

4. Offer Guest Posts - Reach out to other bloggers in my niche, offer them a guest post, and ask if they can link back to my blog in exchange. This will help to establish my authority within the niche and also bring traffic to my blog.

5. Sharing my Blog with Friends and Family - Let my friends and family know about my blog and ask them to share it with others. This is a good way to start getting traffic to my site and gain initial readers.

6. Engage with commenter - Respond to the comments on my blog and share if relevant. This creates a conversation and will make readers more likely to return to my blog. 

Remember, promoting my blog is a long-term effort and it may take time to see results. I will continue to try different methods and stick to what works best for me to keep getting visibility and traffic.

Will Jamaica ever be a country that accepts homsexuals?

 The Jamaicans in the country are definitely aware that there is a homosexual community in the island. Thus the many songs that say that they should die unnaturally. However as the citizens are bombarded with homosexual rhetoric in media, no doubt they are beginning to show signs of desensitization.

When I was young, there was indeed much talk by the general public that homosexuals are not normal human beings, and as such they should NOT be treated as such. I don't blame the people.  

They have written in their laws that buggery is a crime against nature and man. Nevertheless it has never stopped anyone from practicing it.

Let's face it. Buggery has been around since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident what God thinks of it. However even that demonstration of vengeance has never stopped anyone from practicing it.

Contrary to the wishes of the general population in Jamaica there is a thriving LGBTQ+ community in Jamaica. If given enough time, they will rise to show their faces and change the laws that prohibit their practices.

So for now, it is done in secret behind closed doors. The thing is though that the topic is coming up more frequently in conversations. In the same 70% of the American population voted against homosexual rights and was somehow forced to accept it . I believe that Jamaicans will be forced to accept this change that they don't want.

Riddle of the Day 6/02

What tastes better than it smells? 

Answer: A tongue.

Riddle of the Day 6-10

  Riddles are a type of puzzle or word game that requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills. They are often posed as a question or a statement that seems impossible to answer at first, and require a bit of thought and imagination to decipher. Riddles can be found in literature, folklore, and games like crossword puzzles and brain teasers. They can be used for entertainment, to challenge the mind, or to convey a message or moral lesson. Overall, riddles can be a fun and engaging way to stimulate the brain and keep the mind sharp.

See if you can answer the following riddle.

 I am what the leprechauns seek,

Buried deep beneath the heath,

You'll find me at the rainbow's end,

Hiding in a place quite esoteric.

What am I?

Homosexual laws in Jamaica

 Jamaica is a country with a long and complex history, and the buggery laws that exist in the country are a reflection of that history. Buggery laws in Jamaica criminalize homosexuality between consenting adults and have been in place since the country was a British colony. However, the laws have a much longer history that dates back to the Middle Ages.

The word "buggery" originated from the French word "bougrerie," which referred to heresy or sodomy. In the early English legal system, the crime of buggery was punishable by hanging, and it was considered an offense against public morals and religion. Buggery was seen as a sin against nature, and it was often associated with other crimes such as bestiality and incest.

When Jamaica became a British colony in the 17th century, the buggery laws were introduced into the country's legal system. The laws remained in place even after Jamaica gained its independence in 1962, and they have faced much controversy and criticism in recent years.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Jamaica saw a rise in violence and discrimination against homosexuality, which was fueled by anti-gay rhetoric and attitudes from religious leaders, politicians, and the media. Many argue that the buggery laws played a significant role in fostering this hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community in Jamaica.

In recent years, there have been efforts to decriminalize homosexuality in Jamaica. In 2018, the Jamaican government said that it was reviewing the country's buggery laws, but no changes have been made to the legal system yet.

There are indications that attitudes toward homosexuality in Jamaica are slowly changing. In 2019, Jamaican reggae artist Buju Banton came under significant criticism for his homophobic lyrics, and some of his shows were canceled because of protests by LGBTQ+ activists. The backlash against Banton is evidence that there is an increasing awareness of the LGBTQ+ community in Jamaica.

Furthermore, in 2020, Jamaica's Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, stated that LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, and that the country needs to have a national conversation about the issue. This was seen as a significant step forward in addressing the issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Riddle of the day - 6/09


Riddles are a type of puzzle or word game that requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills. They are often posed as a question or a statement that seems impossible to answer at first, and require a bit of thought and imagination to decipher. Riddles can be found in literature, folklore, and games like crossword puzzles and brain teasers. They can be used for entertainment, to challenge the mind, or to convey a message or moral lesson. Overall, riddles can be a fun and engaging way to stimulate the brain and keep the mind sharp.

See if you can answer the following riddle.

 I'm a colorful creature, sometimes green, sometimes blue,

I'm not a typical pet, I can talk just like you!

In the tropical forest, you'll find me high in the trees,

You'll recognize my voice, one that sure can tease!

What am I?

Jamaican Soup and their uses

Many of the soups that originate from the Caribbean are closely tied to African cuisine. This is because the Caribbean has a rich history of African culture and influence, due to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. During this time, enslaved Africans were brought to the Caribbean to work on sugar and tobacco plantations, and they brought with them their culinary traditions, which became incorporated into Caribbean cuisine.

Here is a list of soups that I know and their uses. Do you know any other soups that have distinct uses? If so please list below.

Fish Tea/soup - build stamina for the bedroom

Mannish water - build stamina for the bedroom

Pumpkin soup - Strengthen your immune system

Chicken foot soup - strengthen your immune system

Red peas soup- This is my favorite, not sure it has any health benefits other than nourishment.

Callaloo- although this is mentioned as a soup, most Jamaicans just prepare this as you would pop-chow and eat it with boiled yams and green bananas.

Jamaican African soups


Soups are not new, and it has a rich African story behind it. Many of the soups that originate from the Caribbean are closely tied to African cuisine. This is because the Caribbean has a rich history of African culture and influence, due to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. During this time, enslaved Africans were brought to the Caribbean to work on sugar and tobacco plantations, and they brought with them their culinary traditions, which became incorporated into Caribbean cuisine.

One of the most popular soups that has African origins is "Callaloo," which is a stew made with leafy greens such as taro leaves or amaranth, and often includes okra, seafood, and meats such as salted beef or pork. This dish is eaten in many Caribbean countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados and has roots in the West African dish known as "Palava Sauce."

Another popular soup with African origins is "Pumpkin Soup," which is a creamy soup made with pumpkin, carrots, and a variety of spices. This dish has its roots in West Africa and was brought to the Caribbean by slaves. In Jamaica, a popular variation of this dish is "Red Peas Soup," which includes kidney beans, meat (usually beef), thyme, and scallion.

There are also other soups that have African origins, such as "Mannish Water," a goat soup that originated in Jamaica and is said to be named after the men who prepare it. "Fish Tea" is another popular soup in the Caribbean that has its roots in West Africa. It is a fish broth made with vegetables such as carrots, onions, and thyme, and often includes hot pepper for added flavor.


Fish Tea/soup - build stamina for the bedroom

Mannish water - build stamina for the bedroom

Pumpkin soup - Strengthen your immune system

Chicken foot soup - strengthen your immune system

Red peas soup- This is my favorite, not sure it has any health benefits other than nourishment.

Callaloo- although this is mentioned as a soup, most Jamaicans just prepare this as you would pop-chow and eat it with boiled yams and green bananas.  

Bob Marley or Usain Bolt?


For a little island, Jamaica is pretty well known, because of the contributions it has made on the world stage. I can't decide who is more famous Usain Bolt or Bo Marley. No doubt it is difficult to compare the level of fame between Bob Marley and Usain Bolt since they are famous in different fields. 

How can we compare the two when Bob Marley is more known for his influence on music and culture, while Usain Bolt is more known for his achievements in sports, specifically in track and field? It is not up for debate that the two have achieved global fame and are considered to be legendary figures.

Yet which one made the island more famous; or which name can be mentioned in every home on the planet? Regarding the most famous Jamaican ever lived, there isn't necessarily a clear answer.  Considering the accolades, Bob Marley is considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century and is known worldwide for his contributions to Reggae music and his advocacy for peace and love. He has sold over 75 million records worldwide and continues to have a significant influence on music and culture.

On the other hand, Usain Bolt is considered one of the greatest sprinters and athletes in history, having won 8 Olympic gold medals and setting multiple world records.  No doubt he would be an ideal candidate to become a global ambassador for Jamaica and help promote Jamaica's tourism industry.

To be fair however these are the only famous Jamaicans that there are. T

here are other Jamaican figures who are also considered famous, such as Marcus Garvey, a political activist, publisher, and entrepreneur who was a prominent figure in the Pan-African movement, and Louise Bennett-Coverley, a Jamaican poet and actress who wrote and performed her work in Jamaican Patois and promoted Jamaican culture and identity.

Jamaica - A sad tale of being twice removed

Marcus grew up in the small coastal town, known as Montego Bay, St James. In this town there was always warm smiles and the soothing cultura...