
Misc Jamaican Jokes

The jokes I'm going to jot down here don't really have a category. If you think I have listed a joke here inappropriately please leave comments in the section below.


I overheard this one the other day as two young black children spoke. I thought it was funny and worthy of mention.

Person 1. What's the name of the Niger that plays terminator?

Person 2 Nigga!? What do you mean?

Person 1. Yeah! Yeah! What's his name?

Person 2. I don't know of any black person playing in the terminator movie series.

Person1. No No No, you mis-understand me

Person 2. I sure do

Person 3. You mean Schwarzenegger?

Person 1. That's exactly who I mean. And here you were thinking that I was using the N-word out of place. That's is his actual name right?

I could not say a word. The conversations kids have.


1 comment:

  1. 3 hungry guys where walking and spotted a farm and decided that they should go and pick fruits even though there is a sign that read illegal pickers will be pros d and or put in jail! The 3 men decided it was worth the risk seeing that the consequences was better than starvation. As you expect they got caught the farmer who asked them if they hadn't seen the sign explained the situation. He said to the first guy. You will be able to avoid jail if you and your friends can take this punishment and learn not to steal again. See this is how it will go you first and then you will watch the other two. What friut where you picking? The first replied cherries. The farmer said ok then left the room and returned with a basket full of cherries. You will have to get one hundred cherries into your body without useing your mouth! 2 hours later it was done the first in agony then asked if he was free to go. The farmer said yes of course but only if your friends can do the same. The second horrified by the face of the first unwillingly entered the room to a smiling farmer. The farmer asked again what fruit where you picking? The answer grapes. And again the whole process took place. The farmer having a kind heart decied to stop the punishment for the second seeing that he seemed to have learned his lession at the 75th grape. The second with a half apprehenable voice said, thank you for your kindness towards me but what will you do with the other guy? He was picking coconuts!


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