
The definition of Jamaican

It is only since I have been in the US that I realize that even those who have lived abroad all their lives, but have connections to Jamaica, like cousins, or nephews; worst yet, brothers and sisters, call themselves Jamaican.

As a result the Jamaican population abroad is even larger than the population "weh deh ah yard"

There are just so many people that call themselves Jamaican, when they were never born in Jamaica.

So I think this needs some clarification.

So let's get it right - you can only call yourself Jamaican if...

1) If you were born in Jamaica,
2) You presently live in Jamaica
3) You know how to speak and understand Patios
4) You have Jamaican Parents (born and raised in Jamaica)

DO NOT call yourself Jamaican if you do not at the very least saitisy 2 of the 4 characteristics listed above.

It does not matter how many friends you have that are Jamaican, it does not matter if you understand some of the dialect. You are not Jamaican unless you can satisfy at least two of the four characteristics mentioned above.

What are your thoughts?

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