
Jamaican Adventist

When I was a child, these people used to be known as the people of the book. You did not ever want to engage 7th-day Adventists in a bible match.

They simply knew too much. Nowadays though, the ones that I have met, are just nominal Christians. They look, talk, and act the same.

One used to be able to identify them during the week by how modest they would look. But you can't tell them anymore. For the most part, the only thing identifying them is their adherence to the Sabbath command. So like the jews, they go to church on the Bible Sabbath, and not the other day dubbed the sabbath by nominal Christendom.

I only hope they know that Sabbath observance alone is not enough to bring anyone to heaven.

The observance of the Sabbath does not make a person fireproof, or worthy to go to heaven.

It is sad that this is what this denomination has been known for. It is not known for witnessing (that is Jehovah witness) it is not for reaching out (red cross - that's catholic).

It is just for the Sabbath.

I hope they plan to change this, but quite frankly I have no idea how they are going to change their legacy in time before Jesus really appears.

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