
Jamaican gunman

I thought that the pictue above represented everyone that carried a gun in Jamaica. When I was growing up, I thought all guns in Jamaica were illegal with the exception of the guns caried by the Police. It was a revolutionary thought to me that anyone a part from police should have guns.

There is actually a thriving legal gun business in Jamaica. You have legitimate gun ranges and people that carry their guns legally.

Who would have thought? So the question comes, if there is indeed a thriving gun market in Jamaica, then why doesn't everybody in the island have the right to bear arms.

It seems the laws are against the law abiding Jamaican citizen. In countries where the citizens have the right to bear arms the police and criminals have to be in check, because you just don't know who is carrying.

Fruit for thought. What is your opinion on the matter? Shuld Jamaicans citizens be given the right to bear arms?

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