
Leaves that Jamaicans believe heal

All of the leaves listed below are used for various ailments. If you know of any that I have left off the list please jot this below. Some have been commercialized, but some yet to be recognized. 

I am not sure all the leaves can be eaten, however, all can be used to make a tea beverage, served hot or cold.

I'm not sure I need to put a disclaimer on this site since it is only a blog, but I will anyway.

As far as I know, none of these statements have been evaluated by medical personnel or by the FDA. These statements are strictly based on personal experience and folklore.


Breadfruit leaf

I used to see my grandmother drink this tea for her blood pressure,  I would even see her eat it at times. I don't know how effective the tea was, nevertheless it was a practice.


Guava leaf

I've never seen anyone actually use this tea however I have heard that this tea, can help with diarrhea, cold and flu. It also can help lower cholesterol and the amount of sugar in the blood.


Soursop leaf


Dried Papaya leaf




strawberry tree leaf


Moringa leaf


guinea hen weed


Cerasi leaves



Mother's day in Jamaica - Poem


I guess this is true in most countries. Mother's day is a big event. There are parties and advertisements non-stop for mother's day.

This year I threw a big party for my mother-in-law.

We had all the Jamaican dishes, and aunts cousins, brothers, sisters, friends, and well-wishers congregated to celebrate with us.

What was your mother's day celebration like? Share if think it was good.


Happy Mother's Day, from the cradle till today,
Thanks for all you did, in every single way.
Sacrifices made, love you shared so true,
For all the advice you gave, I'm forever grateful to you.

Through laughter and tears, you've been by my side,
Guiding me with wisdom, filling me with pride.
Your love knows no bounds, it shines bright and clear,
On this special day, I hold you so dear.

So here's to you, Mom, on this Mother's Day,
For all that you are, in every single way.
I cherish you deeply, in every single way,
Happy Mother's Day, with love, I say.


Games I Play at church in Jamaica

I grew up with church mainly catering to the adults, but every now and then there was a day or two that catered to the young people of the church.

Usually, this was done through interactive games. Nowadays there is no shortage of the type of games we can bring into the church for the young people.

The instructions for these will be forthcoming once I have them.

A popular one is Roblox.

I have no idea how this is played, but I understand that the young people are on it all the time.

Another one is Kahoot

First introduced to me as a game to help students be interactive in class, now you can make a kahoot about anything and get young people excited about any topic that you are presenting, even religious ones.


There is the traditional jeopardy game. This has become a favorite of mine as I use it to engage old and young alike in bible games.

Family feud

I believe this is my favorite of all the games. It is easy to set up and play.

Sword in hand

Surely no list of bible games can be mentioned without mentioning sword in hand. It was what made the gruelling afternoon hours of church worthwhile.

Another one is Quizlet

Although I have never used it, I hear there is a way to use Quizlet for group study. I'm not sure how this works but I would love to hear from you as to how to use this.

If you have used any other in church, please don't hesitate to let me know.

How Jamaicans say Goodbye without saying bye.

I have listed a few of the ways in which Jamaicans say Good Bye without actually using the words bye. If you think of any, please jot it bel...