
Jamaican Bling

When I was in Jamaica there was a song on the TV about buying Jamaican and supporting Jamaica. It seems more people in foreign countries support this idea more than the locals do. The people in Jamaica seem to want to buy everything imported and all the things that made locally is scoffed at.

If you have a real Jamaican store and you want me to list it on this blog, just send a link to, and I will post your add here on this blog.


Jamaican Halloween - jonkanoo

Although Jamaicans do not typically celebrate Halloween, we have a celebration that is close to it. Ironically it is usually around Christmas time when people put on costumes to honor the dead. This is typically referred to as Jonkanoo. See video and images below.

Jamaican Christmas


Christmas was not much of a big thing for me growing up, however I'm sure that it was the nicest time of year, for lots of other people. The only memory I have of Christmas was when I received a bicycle around my 7th birthday (in Jamaica) and I was told that Santa Claus brought it. The very same day, I was told that Santa Claus did not exist.

Talk about conflict in my soul.

If you have any happy Christmas stories in Jamaica, won't you share them here, or send pictures to I will post them here.

How Jamaicans say Goodbye without saying bye.

I have listed a few of the ways in which Jamaicans say Good Bye without actually using the words bye. If you think of any, please jot it bel...