Ah yes the good old days. Men use to sit on the street corner and play Ludi for hours. It was not my favorite game, I could never win. It was a game based solely on chance and it seemed I never had good luck where this was concerned. If you had any interesting experiences with this game please share.
The rules
2-4 players. The game is played with two dices. Each person starts with for men, which cannot move until a six is thrown. Thereafter the player moves the numbers shown on the dice and must go around the board one time before entering a middle section called home. The person that is able to bring all 4 pieces home, wins.
Side rules
A player can kill an opponent's piece and send them back to the beginning where they have to play a six again to move if two player pieces lands on the same square. Some players are really good at killing the other player's pieces.

From an early age, schoolboys learn to play this game and compete.
2 player. Similar to American Checkers except pieces can play backward when taking an opponent's piece.
Chinese Checkers.

Referred only to as checkers, this game was not very popular but I still remember the guys on the corner playing this game.

Probably the most renowned of all board games played by Jamaicans.
There is constant talk of 6 love with this game.
In the game of Ludi. If for example I throw a 5 and a 2 can I make a kill with the move of 5 and continue on with the same man to complete my move of 2?