
Jamaican Radio Stations

If you know the link to any Jamaican Radio Stations, (underground or not) please leave the link and the name of the station here.

Radio station take off in Jamaica. I don't think anybody in Jamaica know the real amount of radio stations that exist.

The thing is now..if you find one you like, you just listen to it. Who cares what the name is.

I have asked all the people with who I came in contact in Jamaica, "how many radio stations you have now?"and they all have said the same thing. Nuff.

Meaning: "who cares?" or, "I don't know," or "too many to count." I tend to want to stick with the the last answer based on the amount of Jamaican TV channels I found.

There is now a list on Wikipedia. Radio stations


  1. A well known station in the island is IRIE FM and the link is

  2. you can log on to http://tunein.com/radio/Jamaica-r101254/ and listen to any of the stations in Jamaica

  3. http://radiostationworld.com/locations/jamaica/radio_websites.asp


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