
Jamaican Radio Stations

If you know the link to any Jamaican Radio Stations, (underground or not) please leave the link and the name of the station here.

Radio station take off in Jamaica. I don't think anybody in Jamaica know the real amount of radio stations that exist.

The thing is now..if you find one you like, you just listen to it. Who cares what the name is.

I have asked all the people with who I came in contact in Jamaica, "how many radio stations you have now?"and they all have said the same thing. Nuff.

Meaning: "who cares?" or, "I don't know," or "too many to count." I tend to want to stick with the the last answer based on the amount of Jamaican TV channels I found.

There is now a list on Wikipedia. Radio stations


Jamaican poetry

Do you  know any Poetry that utilizes the Jamaican dialect (patios). Please list it here.

Please check out Corona Poetry for more.

Louise Bennet poetry


Help me Big up Jamaican Police women

Name the things that are good about the country.

When I left Jamaica in the 90"s it was a  violent crime haven. I can't say violent crime has ceased, but there has been significant improvement.

Police maintain a heavy presence on the streets in some instances heavily armed.

There was one thing that I saw and I was most amazed, despite the job demands and the progression of society, women police still wear dresses/skirts.

Check out the pics below.

Who is your favorite Jamaican politician?

Jamaican politician have been said to be many things, however the most professional of them all I believe is P J Paterson. He could keep his private life separate from his public. Something most present politicians fail to be able to do.

If you know of any others who really act professional list them here.

Slaughter a song?

  Have you ever heard or read the correct lyrics to a song and it just blew you away because of what was typically said? Because all your li...